A Saturday With House of Tulip
House of Tulip is a New Orleans based organization whose mission is to build "an inheritance for trans and gender nonconforming (TGNC) community in Louisiana". They are restoring a house in MidCity that, starting in spring 2021, will house up to 10 homeless TGNC people. Louisiana, a state where 1 in 3 trans individuals will experience homelessness, is in dire need of the help of organizations like House of Tulip. House Of Tulip's BreakOut House On Saturday October 17th, House of Tulip hosted a clothing drive to collect clothing for the house's future residents and for others in the homeless TGNC community. I volunteered at the clothing drive by sorting and organizing all of the clothing that was dropped off. When I arrived at 9AM, it was very quiet and I was not confident that people would come and donate. By the time I left at 1PM, however, we had received so many donations that we ran out of boxes to put the clothes in. Dozens of community members, from a wide spec...