Passing it on
Total community service hours (as of 4/19/21): 40.75 hours I have realized that at my core I really am meant to be an educator. I know this because any time I learn something, the first thing I want to do is share the information with someone else. Every time I've learned something interesting during this master's program, I have texted it out to some of my former students. The Environmental Signaling course in particular has taught me many things that I think are important for everyone to know. I have become so passionate about environmental justice after listening to many of the course's different lecturers. I get riled up just thinking about disparities in lead exposure, water pollution, and life expectancy across races and zip codes. I reached out to a teacher at the school at which I used to teach and have arranged to give a lecture to four of her classes. I am so excited to have the opportunity to pass on some of the information that I have learned. I am going to teac...