Broadmoor Food Pantry

Volunteer hours: (as of 2/1/2021)
12/6- 4 hours
12/8- 3.5 hours
12/14- 4 hours
1/4- 5 hours
1/6- 3.5 hours
1/18- 1.5 hours
1/25- 1.5 hours
2/1- 1 hour

Total: 24 hours

Over winter break I began volunteering regularly at Broadmoor Food Pantry. On Mondays and Wednesdays, the food pantry provides 70 families with large boxes of food. The boxes contain 20+ pounds of fresh produce, bread products, dairy products, and meat.

I really have enjoyed getting to know, work with, and serve the community around me. I wanted to make sure I could reach as many people in the community as possible so I went door to door in my neighborhood and signed people up for the food delivery program. I now get to deliver boxes of groceries to five families on my block. I am grateful that working at Broadmoor food pantry has given me the opportunity to immerse myself in my community.

Unfortunately I will be unable to volunteer as frequently as I would like to this semester because classes coincide with the times that the food pantry is open. In addition to volunteering as much as possible, my goals are to find more ways to support my community and to take the time to get to know the people around me.

Industrial fridges full of shredded cheese

Cans being set up for distribution

Assembling bags of nonperishables


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